Golovnaya bol' napryazheniya u detey: osnovy diagnostiki i terapii

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Headache remains one of the most common complaints in children and adolescents. Tension-type headache (TTH) and migraine are the two most common causes of headache in children. Over recent decades, there has been an increase in the prevalence of tensiontype headache and comorbid psycho-emotional disorders in the pediatric population, especially among teenagers. Despite the high prevalence and social significance, the number of new studies on the TTH is still limited. It is known that about 36% of parents are not aware of the presence of repetitive headaches in their children, and about 50% of doctors do not use the international classification of headaches in their practice. These facts explain the existing difficulties in timely diagnosis, detection and correction of risk factors for chronic TTH. Treatment and prevention of TTH is a comprehensive multi-disciplinary task which should not be restricted only to pharmacotherapy. To achieve success in TTH management, correction of the child’s daily activity and school-family relationship is required, involving psychological support by a psychologist, and, if necessary - by a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist.

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About the authors

A. V Sergeev

A. P Rachin

Email: andrey_ratchin@mail.ru


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