Lechenie respiratornykh infektsiy u detey: vozmozhnosti snizheniya lekarstvennoy nagruzki

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Acute respiratory tract infections are the most common reason for seeking medical help. Recurrent respiratory infections and their complications in children are a significant burden for their families and society. The problem of effective and safe treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections (ARI) is one of the most relevant in clinical pediatrics. The article considers the potentials for the use of possibility of use of immunostimulatory agent with antiviral effect, inosine pranobex, in the treatment of ARI. The data on the mechanism of combined (immunomodulatory and antiviral) action of the drug, its efficacy and tolerability in children are presented. The literature data and the results of own author’s studies suggest that inosine pranobex suppresses the symptoms of ARI, prevents complications, and restores compromised immunity, reduces the need for other drugs and pharmaceutical burden. The properties of the drug expand potentials for the pharmacotherapy of acute respiratory viral infections in children. Analysis of publications on the evaluation of the effectiveness of this drug and own author’s research data allow to recommend the drug inosine pranobex for the treatment of acute respiratory infections in children who are prone to frequent incidence of respiratory infections, patients with chronic disorders, including allergic respiratory diseases and intercurrent acute respiratory infections.

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About the authors

V. A Bulgakova

Email: irvilbulgak@mail.ru


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