Amoksitsillin/klavulanat v pediatricheskoy praktike otorinolaringologa: aktual'nye voprosy

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The article presents data on the prevalence of ENT infections in children. The principles of rational choice of antibacterial drugs for the treatment of upper respiratory infections in pediatric patients based on the sensitivity of the main causative agents are considered. Particular attention is paid to the possibility of applying of protected aminopenicillins in these diseases, especially amoxicillin/clavulanate (Arlet®) - an oral antibiotic, inhibitor-protected amoxicillin combining a wide range of antimicrobial activity, good pharmacokinetic properties, favorable tolerability profile and ease of use (2 times a day). Currently, experience of use of Arlet® allows to recommend this drug for widespread use in pediatric otolaryngology.

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About the authors

O. A Egorova



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