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In 1984, publication in Lancet journal, provided by Australian authors R. Warren and B. Marshall on detection of Helicobacter pylori, became the first stage of revolutionary changes of views on the development of gastric pathology. The early XXI century was marked by the proof of the existence of mass of other microorganisms in the stomach. The second stage of the revolution was verified by Kyoto consensus on gastritis, confirming the possibility of life activities and association of various bacteria, viruses and fungi with gastric pathology.

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About the authors

V. V Tsukanov

FSBIS “Scientific Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North"

MD, Prof., Head of the Clinical Department of Pathology of the Digestive System in Adults

E. V Kasparov

FSBIS “Scientific Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North"

A. V Vasyutin

FSBIS “Scientific Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North"

Yu. L Tonkikh

FSBIS “Scientific Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North"


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