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The article presents the main directions of prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the current conditions of increasing antibiotic resistance of microorganisms. Materials of WHO, Cochrane Community, and recommendations of leading professional societies were used. Established facts on resistance to antimicrobial agents among causative microorganisms of STDs, factors accelerating the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance; recommendations on treatment, and main directions of STDs control according to WHO recommendation at current stage are discussed. It is emphasized that therapeutic and preventive use of antibiotics in an era of ever-increasing antimicrobial resistance should be strictly justified. Any arbitrary decisions unsupported by evidence-based data, both in terms of unjustified administration, and, on the contrary, refusal of the use of antibiotics when indicated, should be excluded.




G. Dikke

FSAEI HE «Peoples' Friendship University of Russia»

Email: galadikke@yandex.ru
Honored Worker of Science and Education, MD, Professor at the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Medical Practitioners Moscow


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