Effectiveness of additional cardiotropic therapy in patients with symptoms of hypertherosis on the background of diffuse toxic goiter

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The article presents the results of a 6-month prospective comparative evaluation of the efficacy of two treatment options for patients with signs of hyperthyroidism on the background of diffuse toxic goiter. First group received traditional therapy with thiamazole and ß-blocker, the second group additionally received an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. The additional efficacy of combined therapy with the use of these agents for correcting clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism with a positive effect on the morphometric and hemodynamic parameters of the functioning of the cardiovascular system is shown. The authors give an overview of the literature data, justifying the need for study and correction of cardiovascular pathology against the background of traditional thyrotropic therapy in cases of hyperthyroidism.

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About the authors

L. N Eliseyeva


Email: yeliseyeva@mail.ru
MD, Prof., Department of faculty therapy

A. Yu Blednova


I. S Kulabukhova


M. Sh Khuako


M. I Bocharnikova



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