Combined topical therapy in atopic dermatitis

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The article presents a brief review of modern views on atopic dermatitis as an immune-dependent skin disease with prolonged chronic course, which is characterized by certain difficulties in the organization of treatment of patients. Among them there are two main problems that require constant overcoming: high incidence of secondary infection of dermatosis due to pathogenetic disturbance of the skin microbiota of patients and a deficiency of congenital and adaptive immunity in atopic patients, as well as low adherence of patients to the topical therapy prescribed by physicians. Through the examples of high clinical efficacy and good tolerability of Triderm cream and ointment, their advantages over similar combined preparations and ways of solving existing therapeutic challenges in atopic dermatitis and other chronic immunodeficient dermatoses are discussed.

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About the authors

N. G Kochergin

FSAEI HE “First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov" of RMH

Department of Skin Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

O. Yu Olisova

FSAEI HE “First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov" of RMH

MD, Prof., Head of the Department of Skin Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Diseases


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