So different and the same probiotics -the problem of choice

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The article presents various definitions of probiotics. Microorganisms that are included as a compound of probiotics are described. An assessment of the domestic and global market for probiotic preparations is given. The properties of individual probiotic strains, features of technological production and evaluation of the probiotic quality, specific recommendations for different indications for taking probiotics based on evidence levels are discussed. The significance of probiotics in nutrition, their mechanisms of action are demonstrated. A new probiotic, Lactobalance, is presented.

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About the authors

Ekaterina Yu. Plotnikova

Kemerovo State Medical University

MD, Professor at the Department of Primary Health Care Doctors Training, Head of Course of Clinical Gastroenterology

V. B Grinevich

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Yu. V Zakharova

Kemerovo State Medical University

T. Yu Gracheva

Kemerovo State Medical University


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