The effectiveness of the use of vitamin-mineral complex Pregnacare Plus during pregnancy

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Background. The body's need for vitamins and trace elements during pregnancy increases significantly. Insufficient intake of vitamins, macro-and micronutrients can lead to the development of hypovitaminosis in a mother. A prerequisite for the physiological course of pregnancy is a constant intake of vitamin and mineral preparations. Objective. Evaluation and comparison of the effectiveness of the use of the vitamin-mineral complex Pregnacare Plus (VMC) and biologically active dietary supplements Femibion II (BADS) at all stages of pregnancy. Methods. A prospective study included 49 pregnant women, which were divided into 2 groups: 1st group (n=24) received Pregnacare Plus, 2nd group (n=25) - BADS Femibion II. Results. VMC has shown its effectiveness when used in continuous mode throughout pregnancy. So, it was found that there was a positive dynamics of an increase in the vitamin D content in the mother's blood against the background of its application. The risk of threatened miscarriage in the first trimester in women of the 1st group was reduced almost by 3 times in comparison to the group with the use of BADS. Conclusion. Thus, the use of VMC Pregnacare Plus contributes to the normal physiological course of pregnancy throughout the entire period of gestation, which is the key to the birth of a healthy baby.

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About the authors

A. S Kalugina


MD, Professor, Deputy Chief Doctor for Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrician-Gynecologist of the highest qualification category 4-1, Ilyushina Street, St. Petersburg 197372, Russian Federation

O. N Bespalova

D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine

St. Petersburg, Russia

I. V Kovaleva


St. Petersburg, Russia

M. O Bakleicheva

D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine

St. Petersburg, Russia


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