Drug-induced colitis

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An increase in the number of people with comorbid pathology that requires the simultaneous administration of several drugs led to an increase in the frequency of drug-induced lesions of organs and systems, primarily the digestive tract. Due to the low awareness of doctors, as well as the absence of specific symptoms and markers, the diagnosis of drug-induced bowel lesions is very difficult in real clinical practice and often lasts for a long time. The main diagnostic criteria for drug-induced bowel lesions include chronological relationship with the use of a drug and the reduction or disappearance of symptoms after its withdrawal. It should be noted that it is particularly difficult to identify the drug that initiated the development of the pathological process in comorbid patients who need to take several drugs simultaneously. This review is aimed to systematization and updating of information about drug-induced bowel lesions.

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About the authors

M. A Livzan

Omsk State Medical University

Omsk, Russian Federation

Olga V. Gaus

Omsk State Medical University

Email: gaus_olga@bk.ru
Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor at the Department of Faculty Therapy and Occupational Diseases Omsk, Russian Federation

N. A Nikolaev

Omsk State Medical University

Omsk, Russian Federation


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