Modern concepts of the mechanisms of oncogenesis in the thyroid gland. The role of dyselementosis, insulin resistance, growth factors: facts and hypotheses

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In recent years, the prevalence of both benign and malignant tumors of the thyroid gland has increased, mainly among women of working age. Despite numerous studies devoted to the evaluation of the mechanisms of the development of thyroid tumors, many questions remain unresolved, and it does not allow effective implementation of their primary prevention and reduce the risk of recurrence. This review considers modern views on the mechanisms of oncogenesis in the thyroid gland, presents data on the role of imbalance of trace elements, insulin resistance, growth factors, disorders in the state of the immune system and antioxidant protection in the formation of thyroid tumors. Probably, these data will provide a new approach to the diagnosis and prevention of thyroid tumors.

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About the authors

L. V Kvitkova

Kemerovo State Medical University

Kemerovo, Russia

Anzhelika S. Khalimova

Kemerovo State Medical University

Postgraduate Studentat the Department of Faculty Therapy, Occupational Diseases and Endocrinology 22a, Voroshilov str., Kemerovo 650056, Russian Federation

O. S Kravchenko

Kemerovo State Medical University

Kemerovo, Russia


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