Post-stress functional neuroendocrine disorders in a young woman. The role of the interdisciplinary approach

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Background. Every year there is an increase in the number of patients with post-stress compensatory functional neuroendocrine disorders caused by chronic psycho-emotional overstrain and stress. These patients are characterized by a wide variety of clinical manifestations that are beyond a pale of single medical specialty. This entails ineffectiveness or a significant decrease in the effectiveness of diagnostic and treatment measures, which are attributable to the management of this group of patients by several specialists without a general plan of examination and treatment, as well as polypharmacy. Description of the clinical case. The presented clinical case belongs to the category of “difficult diagnoses", since its solution lies in the interdisciplinary field. The leading syndromes included dyssomnic syndrome and asthenic syndrome, autonomic dysfunction. These syndromes were the reason why the patient could no longer lead an active life and work intensively. That is, in this case, we observe a functional multisystem pathology, which acquires medical and social significance. In this clinical case, the drug of choice for the beginning of the correction of the dissomnic syndrome in combination with psychoemotional disorders was the drug Cellex containing as an active substance polypeptides from the brain of pig embryos, as a result of treatment the patient experienced a decrease in symptoms 5 days after. The patient also showed a manifestation of hormonal imbalance: an increase in the sex hormone-binding globulin level, which led to a sex steroid deficiency. The drug of choice for the correction of hormonal dysfunction (improvement of endogenous synthesis of sex hormones) has become a human placenta polypeptide preparation (trade name «Laennek»). By the decision of the board of doctors (neurologist, endocrinologist and gynecologist), compliance with sleep-wake regimen, occupational and rest hygiene, exclusion of flights for the period of treatment, and the use of multivitamin-mineral complex preparations and vitamin D3 were recommended. Conclusion. Treatment of young patients with post-stress compensatory functional neuroendocrine disorders requires a highly qualified physician or collegial interaction of doctors of different specialties (interdisciplinary approach). The presented clinical case confirms the effectiveness of polypeptide drugs for young patients in the presence of functional multisyndromic pathology.

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About the authors

L. V Stakhovskaya

Pirogov Medical University

Moscow, Russia

Olga A. Klochikhina

International Institute for Integral Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine

Di. Sci. (Med.), Leading Researcher, International Institute foi Integral Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine Moscow, Russia

E. A Polunina

Astrakhan State Medical University


A. V Gostry

International Institute for Integral Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine

Moscow, Russia

S. V Dlin

Clinic «Center for Manual Medicine»

Moscow, Russia


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