On the question of systemic manifestations of early-onset rheumatoid arthritis

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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an immune-inflammatory (autoimmune) rheumatic disease of unknown etiology, characterized by chronic erosive arthritis and systemic damage to internal organs. Many clinicians call RA rheumatoid disease, emphasizing the systemic nature of the pathological process. RA with systemic manifestations (SM) is a generalized form of the disease, usually found in seropositive patients. Recently, special attention has been paid to the issues of early-onset RA; the evolution of «undifferentiated» arthritis into typical RA is still not fully understood, therefore this stage of the disease is most interesting from the point of view of studying the features of SM as factors in predicting early-onset RA. Thus, early-onset RA has a number of features, and their understanding will make it possible to diagnose the disease in a timely manner. This also applies to the SM of early-onset RA. The review presents data on systemic diseases in patients with early-onset RA.

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About the authors

David V. Bestaev

North Ossetian State Medical Academy

Email: davidbestaev@rambler.ru
Dr. Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 3

A. A Konushkaliev

North Ossetian State Medical Academy; 412th Military Hospital, Vladikavkaz


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