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No 15-3 (2014)


Kompleks lechebnykh i profilakticheskikh meropriyatiy u patsientov s sukhost'yu polosti rta

Makeeva I.M., Arakelyan M.G.


Dry mouth remains an urgent problem in modern stomatology. Patients with dry mouth require gentle brushing of the teeth and applying the anti-inflammatory agents. The article presents the experience of the use of drugs with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial components.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15-3):6-7
pages 6-7 views

Effektivnost' preparata Parontal pri lechenii gingivita u patsientov s nes\"emnoy ortodonticheskoy tekhnikoy

Turkina A.Y., Akimova I.V., Gevorkyan T.V.


Plant-based mouthwash Parontal was used in the treatment of gingivitis in patients with non-removable orthodontic appliances. The normalization OHI, SBI and PMA indices were registered. In the treatment of gingivitis, Parontal solution was equal to chlorhexidine bigluconate solution on the effectiveness. No side effects were observed. Parontal solution is recommended for daily use by patients with non-removable orthodontic appliances.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15-3):8-10
pages 8-10 views

Issledovanie kliniko-laboratornykh kharakteristik zubnykh past s efirnymi maslami

Admakin O.I., Skatova E.A., Rupf R.


The use of toothpastes with essential oils, with selective action on the microflora capable of producing volatile sulfur compounds, leads to improvement of hygienic oral health status. Introduction of various combinations of essential oils in the toothpastes may affect the intraoral causes of halitosis, while standard medical and preventive factors do not have a selective effect. Significant decrease of volatile sulfur compounds in the exhaled air of patients using toothpaste with essential oils has been demonstrated.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15-3):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Elektrodnyy farmaforez v komleksnom lechenii vospalitel'nykh zabolevaniy parodonta

Bocharov N.V., Makeeva I.M., Shubin E.V.


The evaluation of the efficacy of the electrode pharmaphoresis of chlorhexidine bigluconate in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases. Rapid decrease of gingival hemorrhage and plaque accumulation in gingival margin were observed. No side effects were registered.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15-3):15-19
pages 15-19 views

Primenenie preparatov serii «Parodontotsid» v period adaptatsii k ortopedicheskim konstruktsiyam

Turkina A.Y., Akimova M.Y.


Providing the quality hygienic oral care for patients with dental prostheses requires the use of additional medicines and products, because artificial dental crowns, washing components of prosthetic bridges, clammers of bugel dentures and other are the retention areas of microbial plaque. The article presents the experience of including toothpaste, solution and spray Parodontocid in the protocol of daily oral care for the patients with dental prostheses.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15-3):20-23
pages 20-23 views

Protokol gigienicheskogo ukhoda za polost'yu rta detey s primeneniem zubnoy pasty, soderzhashchey bromelain

Admakin O.I.


The present study describes the good practice of implementation of protocol for hygienic oral care in children using of toothpaste containing bromelain, tasteful chocolate and mint. Significant improvement of hygiene, reduction of the severity of gingivitis, as well as a positive changes in oral microflora are demonstrated.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15-3):24-26
pages 24-26 views

Immunomoduliruyushchaya terapiya v kompleksnom lechenii bol'nykh khronicheskim generalizovannym parodontitom

Arinina L.V., Bulkina N.V., Martynova E.Y., Bashkova L.V., Tereshchuk O.S.


This study was aimed to the improvement of efficiency of treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP) by the addition of immunomodulatory therapy. 85 patients with mild to moderate CGP were evaluated and treated. The study group included 35 patients, who received immunomodulator in addition to the standard therapy, second group included 35 patients receiving only standard therapy, and the control group included 15 patients with intact periodontium. The results obtained led to the conclusion that the use of immunomodulators in the complex therapy of CGP is justified.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15-3):27-28
pages 27-28 views

Osobennosti okazaniya stomatologicheskoy pomoshchi beremennym v usloviyakh ambulatornogo stomatologicheskogo priema

Anisimova E.N., Tsvetkova A.A., Golikova A.M.


Pregnant women in the outpatient stomatological settings are the high-risk group. This is attributable to the certain physiological changes in a woman's body that occur during this period. The article presents a review of the domestic and foreign literature on the provision of stomatological care for pregnant women. The features of the dental status depending on the gestational age and associated obstetric pathology, and recommendations for stomatological treatment are described. Analysis of published data showed that there is no single protocol for the providing of safe stomatological care for pregnant women; currently, therefore, the development of such algorithm is relevant.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15-3):29-32
pages 29-32 views

Osnovnye printsipy primeneniya antibiotikov v stomatologicheskoy praktike

Bondarenko I.V., Makeeva I.M.


Most stomatological procedures are accompanied by bacteremia, which can cause serious complications. The article presents the principles of use of antibacterial drugs for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The need for the use of combined antibacterial agents is justified, and high efficiency of Ciprolet A, which is composed of ciprofloxacin and tinidazole, is demonstrated.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15-3):33-36
pages 33-36 views

Meksidol-soderzhashchie zubnye pasty i pokazaniya k ikh primeneniyu

Tambovtseva N.V., Novozemtseva T.N.


Toothpastes MEXIDOL®dent toothpastes are used successfully in the treatment of periodontal diseases. Theу are characterized by a unique composition, with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and caries-static effects. Toothpastes MEXIDOL®dent have no contraindications and can be used for a long time as for the prevention of periodontal diseases, and as a part of their complex treatment.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15-3):37-38
pages 37-38 views

Apadent Pro: novye vozmozhnosti profilaktiki stomatologicheskikh zabolevaniy

Makeeva I.M., Polyakova M.Y., Paramonov Y.O.


Despite the widespread use of fluoride-containing toothpastes, the prevalence of dental diseases increases. A new approach to the prevention and treatment of diseases of the teeth using nanohydroxylapatite is suggested. The authors provide examples of the effectiveness of the professional toothpaste Apadent Pro in caries at stage of spots and in tooth hypersensitivity.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15-3):40-43
pages 40-43 views

Primenenie steklovolokonnykh konstruktsiy dlya shinirovaniya podvizhnykh zubov i zameshcheniya vklyuchennykh defektov zubnykh ryadov pri khronicheskom generalizovannom parodontite

Petrukhina N.B., Abaev Z.M., Severina L.A.


The technology of adhesive bridge constructions consisting of composite resin cement, performing directly in the oral cavity during single visit of patient, has been developed as a clinical technique. The main advantage of the adhesive bridge constructions includes a small invasion on the abutment teeth. Modern adhesive technologies allow not only to restore damaged teeth, but also to replace the previously extracted teeth.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15-3):44-47
pages 44-47 views

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