Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін


The article is dedicated to the literature data for the frequency and mechanisms of hepatotoxicity (HT) during anticancer chemotherapy. The authors present their own retrospective multicenter case-control study of the model of neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy of new-onset nonmetastatic breast cancer among 1,643 women treated with taxol and doxorubicin. In the sample limited by II degree protocol criteria, early HT was found in 26,7 % of patients, late - in 7,6 %. The analysis of published data for the possibility of use of different hepatoprotectors for the treatment of drug liver damage was performed. Based on 5-year retrospective observation, it was established that plant origin hepatoprotectors were ineffective in the correction of the manifestations of acute HT and prevention of late HT. Essential phospholipids have contributed to relief of manifestations of cytolytic syndrome, but were ineffective in the treatment of cholestatic syndrome in acute HT. Essential phospholipids have preventive effect for late TD. Ademetionine was most effective drug for relief all forms of acute HT and the prevention late HT.

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