Use of analgesic Novigan for the treatment of tension-type headache in patients with concomitant somatic pathology


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The article is dedicated to the features of tension-type headache; data for the place of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in treatment of pain management are presented. The possibilities of use of the new combined analgesics, such as drug Novigan, are discussed. Novigan is a combination of NSAID ibuprofen (400 mg), pitofenone hydrochloride, papaverin-like peripheral action spasmolytic, and fenpiverinium bromide, cholinolytic with central and peripheral actions. The results of randomized open comparative study aimed to evaluation of efficacy and safety of Novigan and ibuprofen (MIG 400) in 45 patients with tension-type headache and concomitant somatic pathology are presented. It was shown that Novigan is an effective drug for the treatment of cephalgic syndrome of musculosceletal origin that affects the basic mechanisms of its development. Novigan is superior to MIG 400 in the rate of development of analgesic effect, which is obviously due to the presence of spasmolytic component and pharmacokinetic characteristics of the drug.


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