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At present, iron-states are a national problem of health care systems in different countries, most often occurring among pregnant women and in early childhood. Iron supplements play leading role in the treatment of this disease, and for decades of practical application they have undergone a number of changes. Research efforts are aimed to increasing their therapeutic efficacy and reduction of number and severity of side effects. The most modern group of antianemic drugs are non-ionic iron preparations, which represented by Maltofer. The article discusses the advantages of Maltofer over others iron supplements, namely, high efficiency, rapid achievement of the effect, safety, ability to intake with food items, the presence of various forms of release. These features allow to recommend Maltofer as the primary therapy of iron deficiency anemia in a broad range of patients, including pregnant women, and its effective use in anemia of various severity.

Sobre autores

Yuriy Chushkov

Yu Chushkov


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