Prediktory i korrektsiya kseroza pri lokalizatsii protsessa na stopakh


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Violation of the barrier function, provoking the development of xerosis of the skin remains constant symptom of most chronic dermatoses with the localization of the pathological process on the feet and is quite common in various somatic diseases. There are many predictors of foot xerosis, and the consequences are very serious; so, the treatment should be started after the verification of the diagnosis and in two ways: treatment of the underlying disease and the elimination of the symptoms themselves. The article presents the clinical observations the use of drugs Balzamed® by patients with chronic dermatoses with the localization of process on the feet. All patients received comprehensive treatment in accordance with medical standards at each of the listed diseases. As a basic therapy, patients used the cream Balzamed® intensive 2 times a day for 1.0-1.5 months, then - cream Balzamed® up to 4 times a day for 6 months. In patients with palmoplantar psoriasis, tylotic eczema, and keratoderma, basic therapy with drugs Balzamed® has a universal effect, causing the recovery of barrier function of the skin, which is the mainstay of high therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy.

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