Effektivnost' kompleksnoy terapii s vklyucheniem preparata Adepress (paroksetin) u bol'nykh sindromom razdrazhennogo kishechnika


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An open comparative controlled study was performed for the assessment of the efficacy and safety of Adepress (paroxetine) with course intake of this drug in the treatment of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The group 1 consisted of patients diagnosed with IBS who received standard treatment in combination with Adepress, the group 2 included patients with IBS syndrome who received only standard treatment without the inclusion of psychotherapeutic drugs. Adepress was administered at a dose of 20 and 10 mg daily for 6 weeks. Criteria used for the evaluation were the dynamics of the clinical symptoms (pain); normalization of indicators according to the anxiety, depression and fatigue scales. The results of study allow to recommend Adepress as an effective and safe agent in the complex therapy of IBS patients with different clinical types.

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