Kliniko-elektroentsefalograficheskie, neyrovizualizatsionnye kharakteristiki i effektivnost' antiepilepticheskoy terapii sindroma Vesta u patsientov s sindromom Dauna (rezul'taty sobstvennykh nablyudeniy)


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Epilepsy in patients with Down syndrome is detected in 8-9% of cases, with West syndrome in half of all cases of epilepsy. A total of 8 patients with Down syndrome and West syndrome were examined. Middle debut of epileptic spasms occurred in the age of 5.6 months. In general, the nature of attacks (epileptic spasms), the electroencephalogram characteristics (EEG) (hypsarrhythmia or modified hypsarrhythmia), and EEG - pattern of paroxysms did not differ from symptoms of West syndrome of other etiology. Antiepileptic therapy resulted in a significant improvement in 87.5% of cases of West syndrome in Down's syndrome, and the remission was achieved in 50% of patients. In this study, tetracosactide, valproates, topiramate, lamotrigine, ethosuximide, and vigabatrin were used. The high efficiency of combination of valproates with topiramate was demonstrated.

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