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Currently, allergy problem is extremely urgent worldwide, and allergic rhinitis (AR) is one of the most common allergic diseases in children. An open observational study of the safety, tolerability and efficacy of the drug Prevalin in the form of a intranasal spray in children with mild to moderate seasonal and perennial AR (group 1) and in children with mild to moderate AR combined with mild to moderate bronchial asthma (group 2) was performed. In some children with AR, Prevalin was administred in combination with antihistamines and irrigation therapy (group 3). Each group consisted of 20 children aged 6 to 14 years, the average age 9.4±2.5 years. Within 3 weeks, nasal breathing blockade, discharge from the nose, sneezing, itching of the nose, itchy eyes, watery eyes were appraised by points. All the children underwent the pulmonary function test using computer bronchophonography (CBPG). Distinct effect of Prevalin on clinical symptoms in patients with AR and AR in combination of bronchial asthma was revealed. The symptoms have quickly disappeared when it was administered in combination with antihistamines. Reducing the symptoms of AR was accompanied with improvement of respiratory function according CBPG. Prevalin is recommended as the drug of choice for barrier symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate AR in children, including when AR is combined with bronchial asthma.

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Sobre autores

N. Geppe

SBEI HPE First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov of RMPH

MD,. Prof., Director of the University Children's Clinical Hospital, Head of the Department of Children’s Diseases Moscow

I. Farber

SBEI HPE First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov of RMPH

Department of Children's Diseases Moscow

U. Malyavina

SBEI HPE First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov of RMPH

Department of Children's Diseases Moscow

V. Malyshev

SBEI HPE First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov of RMPH

Department of Children's Diseases Moscow

S. Shatalina

SBEI HPE First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov of RMPH

Department of Children's Diseases Moscow

M. Velikoretskaya

SBEI HPE First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov of RMPH

Department of Children's Diseases Moscow

N. Krylova

SBEI HPE First MSMU n.a. I.M. Sechenov of RMPH

Department of Children's Diseases Moscow


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