Status of oropharyngeal and colonic microbiota, and phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophiles in children with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection


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Infection caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a significant public health problem due to the high prevalence, increasing incidence, a significant etiological role in the development of community-acquired pneumonia. The article presents the results of the evaluation of the status of the oropharyngeal and colonic microbiota and the phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophils in 91 children aged 1 to 7 years who were admitted to a hospital with acute upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Mycoplasma infection (MI) was diagnosed in 35.3% of the examined children, incl. community-acquired pneumonia - in 8,8%. Patients with MI were diagnosed with a severe dysbiosis on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx and intestine, whose markers were a deficiency in growth of Neisseria and Escherichia, respectively, and high isolation rates of Gram-negative enterobacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida fungi (50% and 100%, respectively). In patients with MI (in comparison with acute respiratory diseases of other etiology), deeper violations of the lysing function of peripheral blood phagocytic neutrophils and incomplete phagocytosis, more pronounced in pneumonia, were revealed.

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Sobre autores

E. Meskina

SBHCI MR Moscow Regional Scientific Research Clinical Institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirsky

M. Khadisova

SBHCI MR Moscow Regional Scientific Research Clinical Institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirsky

PhD, Researcher at the Department of Children’s Infectious Diseases

E. Rusanova

SBHCI MR Moscow Regional Scientific Research Clinical Institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirsky


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