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Background. The most common pharmacological treatment for insomnia is third generation hypnotics, among which zopiclone occupies one of the leading places.Despite the known negative effect of hypnotics on postural functions, sleep improvement in patients with chronic insomnia eventually leads to an improvement in the balance. We present a clinical case of effective treatment of insomnia, accompanied by an improvement in postural stability. Description of the clinical case. The results of the use of zopiclone (Somnol, 7.5 mg for 10 days 40 minutes before bedtime) in a 64-year-old patient with chronic insomnia accompanied by dizziness and walking unstability are considered. This therapy provided a significant improvement in sleep indices, accompanied by an increase in postural stability. Conclusion. There was no possible adverse effect of zopiclone on balance in the case presented. This may be due to the fact that zopiclone itself does not have such a negative effect, or the effect of normalizing sleep exceeded the negative effect of the drug. It is obvious that in many cases the meaning elderly people off hypnotics is not justified, and the doctor should independently correlate the risk and benefit from the appointment of such treatment in each case.

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Sobre autores

S. Tsenteradze

Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)


M. Poluektov

Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

L. Antonenko

Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)


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