The effectiveness of therapeutic measures in metabolic syndrome and vitamin d deficiency


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Background. Despite the progress achieved in the diagnosis and treatment of metabolic syndrome (MS), its significant prevalence remains. The heterogeneity of MS indicates the need for the use of complex therapy based on a personalized approach. Currently, the protective role of vitamin D in relation to human health is shown, but the question of its relative importance in MS is still open. Therefore, this study was conducted to understand the additional mechanisms that affect the pathogenesis of MS and, accordingly, the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. Objective. Improvement of the effectiveness of therapeutic measures in metabolic syndrome (MS) and vitamin D deficiency. Methods. The study was conducted in 2014-2015 with the inclusion of 60 patients with MS and vitamin D deficiency (50% women, 50% men) aged 20 to 45 years. Patients in the control group (n=30) were recommended to have diet therapy and the use of metformin at a dose of 1700 mg/day for 6 months. Cholecalciferol at a dose of 2000 IU/day was recommended to patients of the comparison group (n=30) in addition to the above mentioned therapy. Results. Only patients of the comparison group have achieved a more pronounced effect of treatment. Conclusion. Achievement of an optimal vitamin D level in patients with MS with the use of cholecalciferol a t a dose of 2000 IU/day in combination with diet therapy and the use of metformin increases the effectiveness of treatment, has a positive effect on abdominal obesity, insulin resistance and systemic inflammation.

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Sobre autores

Natalia Alekseeva

Novokuznetsk State Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians - Branch of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of Ministry Health of the Russian Federation

PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of General Medical Practice (Family Doctor) Novokuznetsk, Russia

E. Beloborodova

Siberian State Medical University

Tomsk, Russia


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