Review of modern methods of prevention and correction of post-acne symptom complex


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Background. According to the World Health Organization for 2020, 90% of adolescents, 55% of adults under the age of 25 and 17% after 25 years of age suffer from acne of varying severity. Persistent post-inflammatory erythema and dyschromias, cicatricial skin deformities occur in about a third of patients as a result of the resolution of rashes or during treatment. The formation of the post-acne symptom complex is caused by long-term persistent inflammation during healing; however, it is often associated with the use of aggressive invasive protocols for correcting the underlying disease (peelings, dermabrasion, planar high-intensity laser therapy technologies), and also occurs as a result of self-treatment (regular excoriation). Located on the face and other open areas of the body, fibrous and pigmentary disorders have a significant impact on the patient’s psychological state, and can complicate the search for a successful job and cause suicidal thoughts. Regular review and scientific substantiation of effective preventive and therapeutic methods for correcting post-inflammatory pigmentation disorders and acne scars is one of the leading modern trends in dermatocosmetology. Objective. Analysis of definitive studies with high methodological quality on the use of various methods of correction and prevention of post-acne symptom complex. Results. Clinical effects and probable mechanisms of action of methods of treatment and prevention of the development of post-acne symptom complex are discussed. It was found that the most frequently used methods for correction are high-intensity laser therapy (28%), intralesional injections (18%), topical agents (23%) and complex therapy programs (33%), which have significant clinical effects. Conclusion. Based on modern ideas about the pathogenesis of the post-acne symptom complex, it is advisable to search for new methods of therapy aimed at preventing its formation and correction. In addition to regularly summarizing and analyzing existing evidence-based studies, it is necessary to perform new high-quality randomized controlled clinical trials to study and compare the effectiveness of preventive treatment and methods of therapeutic correction. Taking into account the results obtained, it can be concluded that it is necessary to prescribe depigmenting, anti-inflammatory and anti-scarring agents both for prevention at the earliest stages of post-acne formation and for the correction of already existing aesthetic defects.

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Sobre autores

Inga Kurganskaya

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Cand. Sci. (Med.)., Lecturer at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases St. Petersburg, Russia

A. Patrushev

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

St. Petersburg, Russia

N. Shanina

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

St. Petersburg, Russia


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