Primary dysmenorrhea. Dynamics of scientific views and women’s perception


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Background. Primary dysmenorrhea (PD) is common, but patients rarely seek medical attention. In recent years, the literature has been replenished with new information about the pathogenesis and approaches to treatment. Basic provisions. The prevalence of PD varies widely in different regions, ranging from 16 to 91%. The clinical picture of PD, in addition to menstrual pain, is represented by a wide range of other symptoms, the frequency of which is individual. In pathogenesis, the theory of the leading role of prostaglandins, impaired contractile activity of the myometrium, it's ischemia and inflammatory reaction of the endometrium has been established. Treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is pathogenetically justified, the effectiveness of which reaches 80-87.5%, combined oral contraceptives are considered as second-line aid with an efficiency of 62.5-72%. Certain foods, exercise, nutritional supplements, herbal medicines, and acupuncture have been shown to reduce pain and are recommended as adjunctive therapy. Conclusion. PD responds well to treatment with the use of modern drugs with proven efficacy, as well as methods of complementary and alternative therapy. Of the group of NSAIDs, naproxen (nexemezin) is highly effective and has a better safety profile (especially with regard to the cardiovascular system).

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G. Dikke

Academy of Medical Education n.a. F.I. Inozemtsev

St. Petersburg, Russia


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