Comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of the human placenta hydrolyzate in the correction of the age-associated facial skin changes



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Background. Age-associated facial skin changes are not only an aesthetic but also a social problem, especially for women. The key markers of skin aging include a decrease in regenerative potential, impaired barrier function, and loss of elasticity. With age, the proliferative and metabolic activity of dermal fibroblasts decreases, and structural and compositional remodeling of skin extracellular matrix proteins, primarily collagen, occurs. Human placenta hydrolyzate (HPH)-based peptide preparations are currently used for therapeutic purposes in various branches of medicine.

Objective. Comprehensive (clinical-instrumental, immunological, microbiological, immunohistochemical) evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of the HPH preparation for the correction of age-associated facial skin modifications.

Methods. The study included 25 women aged 39 to 59 years with signs of age-related facial skin changes. All women received five pharmacopuncture intramuscular injections of the drug Laennec into the projection of biologically active points of the face 2 ml per procedure 1 time in 5 days.

Results. After a course of five intramuscular injections of the HPH preparation into biologically active points of the face, a significant decrease in the depth of wrinkles in the paraorbital and perioral zones, the degree of deformation of the facial oval, an increase in skin hydration and bactericidal activity was noted. In the peripheral blood, a significant increase in the number of regulatory T-lymphocytes and monocytes was observed with a simultaneous increase in the activity and intensity of phagocytosis of the latter; the concentration of pro-inflammatory IL-6 and -8 decreased with a parallel increase in the IL-4 level. According to the mmunohistochemical analysis of the skin in the dermis, the bulk density of collagen-I and -III, laminin, FGF-2, TGF-β, VEGF, IL-1α, -6, -20 increased most significantly with a simultaneous decrease in PDGF and IL-8; there was an increase in the TGF-β, EGF levels and a decrease in IGF level in the epidermis.

Conclusion. Thus, the HPH preparation activates dermal fibroblasts, supports the renewal and trophism of epidermal cells, and restores the biomechanical and bactericidal properties of aging skin.

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Sobre autores

E. Kuznetsova

Orenburg State Medical University

Rússia, Orenburg

Elena Mezentseva

South Ural State Medical University

Autor responsável pela correspondência

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology

Rússia, Chelyabinsk

Yu. Kudrevich

South Ural State Medical University

Rússia, Chelyabinsk

I. Dolgushin

South Ural State Medical University

Rússia, Chelyabinsk

O. Ziganshin

South Ural State Medical University

Rússia, Chelyabinsk

T. Zayats

Chelyabinsk Regional Pathological Anatomical Bureau

Rússia, Chelyabinsk

K. Nikushkina

South Ural State Medical University

Rússia, Chelyabinsk


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