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Nº 2S (2015)


Primenenie nanogidroksiapatita pri giperestezii u patsientov s klinovidnymi defektami zubov

Polyakova M., Pilyagina A., Khon Y.


Wedge-shaped defects of teeth in young patients are accompanied by significant hyperesthesia. The study assessed the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive toothpaste, containing medical nanohydroxyapatite, in eliminating of hyperesthesia symptoms in patients with a wedge-shaped defects of teeth.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2S):7-8
pages 7-8 views

Mukozal'nyy immunitet polosti rta podrostkov v dinamike profilakticheskikh meropriyatiy s vklyucheniem probiotikov

Tret'yakova O.


The article presents the results of comparative evaluation of the dynamics of clinical data and local immunity in adolescents aged 15 to 18 years, with the appointment of of probiotic mouthwash in one group. It was found that probiotics used in complex preventive measures contribute to positive clinical dynamics, increasing mucosal immunity of the oral cavity.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2S):9-11
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Sravnitel'naya otsenka ochishchayushchey effektivnosti manual'nykh i elektricheskikh zubnykh shchetok dlya detey raznykh vozrastnykh grupp

Vinnichenko Y., Krikotina D.


The clinical evaluation of the cleaning efficiency of manual toothbrushes of different designs in children at the periods of provisional, mixed and permanent crossbite was performed. According to the plaque index PI (Plaquelndex), it was found that the cleaning efficiency of single brushing of teeth using manual toothbrushes was 43.8% for children 4-5 years old, 59.5% - for children 6-7 years old, and 69.3% - for 12-14 years old. Electric toothbrush with sonic technology has maximum cleaning efficacy and allows to remove up to 79.9% of the available plaque accumulation, depending on age and manual skills of children.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2S):12-16
pages 12-16 views

Ispol'zovanie sovremennykh antibakterial'nykh preparatov pri lechenii patsientov s khronicheskim generalizovannym parodontitom na osnovanii PTsR-diagnostiki

Zorina O., Berkutova I., Basova A.


Among the microorganisms in oral cavity, there are several types of parodontopatogenic bacteria having high adhesion, invasive and toxic properties. The study included patients with moderate to severe chronic generalized periodontitis. The choice of treatment regimens was performed on case by case basis according to the contents of parodontopatogenic microorganisms revealed in periodontal pockets by real time PCR. New data on the content of microbiocenosis of periodontal pockets in moderate to severe periodontitis allow timely appointment adequate antibiotic therapy.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2S):17-20
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Osobennosti sostoyaniya tkaney parodonta u vzroslykh patsientov so skuchennost'yu zubov

Makeeva I., Romanova I.


The clinical study included of 80 patients was aimed to the evaluation of the condition of periodontal tissues in the area of teeth overcrowding. Unacceptable oral hygiene (Silness-Loe index 2.3±0.4, Quigley-Hein index 3.7±0.5), and the presence of chronic inflammation in marginal periodontal tissue (PMA index 39±5%, the Muhlemann index 2.6±0.2) were revealed. Teeth overcrowding was combined with a thin periodontal biotype (71.2%) and low thickness of attached keratinized gingiva (45%). Also, signs of overpressure of periodontal tissues due to the presence of supracontacts were showed (86.2%). In general, condition of periodontal tissue in patients with teeth overcrowding was significantly worse than in control subjects. Teeth overcrowding is recognized as a significant risk factor for periodontal diseases.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2S):21-23
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Effektivnost' primeneniya preparata Parontal pri podderzhivayushchey terapii khronicheskogo generalizovannogo parodontita u patsientov s ishemicheskoy bolezn'yu serdtsa

Akimova I., Semenets N., Turkina A., Tambovtseva N.


The article presents the results of evaluation of the effectiveness of Parontal mouthwash in maintenance therapy of chronic generalized periodontitis in 40 patients aged 45 to 55 years with coronary artery disease. After professional oral hygiene and 7 days of local antibiotic therapy (Lacalut Activ mouthwash and toothpaste), patients of study group used Parontal mouthwash 2 times a day after tooth brushing. Patients of control group used only a toothbrush, toothpaste and products for interdental hygiene. PHP, PMA and SBI indexes were recorded at baseline, at 7 and 28 days. In CAD patients, bleeding gums (SBI=2,7±0,5) and unacceptable oral hygiene (PHP= 2.5±0.2) were revealed. After professional oral hygiene and local antibiotic therapy, significant improvement of indexes was observed in both study and control groups. The use of plant-based mouthwash Parontal in CAD patients led to increase of the effectiveness of oral hygiene, reduction of bleeding gums and had anti-inflammatory effect.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2S):24-27
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Rezul'taty issledovaniya biokhimicheskogo, antioksidantnogo i protivovospalitel'nogo statusov do i posle lecheniya khronicheskogo generalizovannogo parodontita u patsientov s metabolicheskim sindromom

Petrukhina N., Zorina O., Rabinovich I., Shilov A., Molchanov A.


We have found a direct proportion between the increase of the severity of chronic generalized periodontitis and body mass index (BMI). This is particularly typical for patients with BMI≥25 kg/m2. The study involved 93 patients. We studied the glycemic and lipid profiles, the activity of systemic inflammation (C-reactive protein), and the activity of oxidative stress in the dynamics before and after treatment (12 weeks). To reduce oxidative stress (systemic inflammation) and to compensate for dysbiosis of digestive system, we administered Ubichinone compositum (2 mL intramuscularly 2 times a week) and probiotic Symbiolact compositum (1 sachet per day) in addition to standard therapy of periodontitis; the course of treatment was 21 days. Along with the normalization of dysbiosis of the digestive tract, a decrease of pro-inflammatory parameter and oxidative stress index was noted.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2S):28-34
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Izmenenie klinicheskikh i mikrobiologicheskikh pokazateley polosti rta u patsientov s khronicheskim generalizovannym parodontitom legkoy i sredney stepeni tyazhesti pri lechenii probiotikami

Biktimerova O.


The inclusion of probiotics in the form of instillation for the treatment of periodontal pockets in the complex treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis has allowed to reduce microbial contamination of gingival area and increase the anti-inflammatory effect of treatment in the early and late periods of observation.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2S):35-38
pages 35-38 views

Primenenie kombinirovannogo antibakterial'nogo preparata Tsiprolet A v praktike khirurgicheskoy stomatologii

Makeeva I., Bondarenko I., Gostev M., Makeev M.


Today, majority of modern surgical procedures in the oral cavity are performed under antibiotic prophylaxis, which is related to the significant number of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity and the risk of bacteremia. The article discusses the routes of administration of antibacterial drugs and provides a clinical cases of indications for the use of combination of antibacterial drugs, which includes ciprofloxacin and tinidazole.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2S):39-42
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Opyt primeneniya soley khitozana v kompleksnoy terapii generalizovannogo parodontita

Bulkina N., Ivanov P., Vedyaeva A., Tokmakova E.


Inflammatory periodontal diseases are important problems of modern stomatology. A possible solution to this problem is the use of drugs based on chitosan, which has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing activity and immunocorrective actions, thus affecting all parts of the pathogenesis of periodontitis, allowing to more quickly eliminate the inflammatory process. Therefore, the use of these drugs is a promising direction for the treatment of generalized periodontitis.
Pharmateca. 2015;(2S):43-47
pages 43-47 views

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