Diagnostika i sovershenstvovanie antibakterial'nogo lecheniya sinusita



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The article considers current indications for antibiotic therapy and characteristics of antibiotic therapy of sinusitis, in particular, the timing of the start and duration of treatment, recommendations for the rational choice of antibiotics. Combination drug of amoxicillin with β-lactamase inhibitor clavulanic acid is widely used in antibacterial therapy (ABT) of sinusitis. II and III generation cephalosporins also have high activity against the most probable causative agents of acute sinusitis. In case of intolerance to these medications, the use of modern macrolides is recommended, but possible limitations of this group of antimicrobial agents associated with the spread of resistant strains should be taking into account. Any recommendations on the duration of ABT for acute sinusitis are fairly conditional, because individual terms of regression of clinical manifestations of sinusitis, general condition of the patient, body temperature, and changes in the intensity of headaches, abnormal nasal discharge and nasal obstruction should be considered. The average duration of ABT for acute sinusitis is at least 7-10 days.




Evgeniy Nosulya


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