


Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is one of the most common human diseases occurring in 2-5% of the adults. Clinical manifestation of RLS is sense of discomfort in the legs that appear in the evening and night time - usually at rest, and force the patient to make movements by legs, which lead to the temporary elimination of discomfort. The main complications of RLS are nocturnal sleep dysfunction, daytime sleepiness, psychoemotional disorders, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Dysfunction of dopaminergic systems, particularly diencephalospinal pathway is underlying mechanism of RLS, which is exacerbated by iron deficiency or other factors in some cases. The use of dopamine agonists (DA) allows to quickly normalize the patient's condition. For many years, DAs are still effective in patients with RLS, and these drugs are the basis for long-term therapy of this syndrome.


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