


The article considers the problem of iron and folic acid deficiency during pregnancy. The results of the study, including 86 women with 14-18 weeks pregnancy are presented. Of these, 32 pregnant women experienced with iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and 54 women were at risk of iron-FA-deficiency during pregnancy. Patients with IDA and at-risk women with low serum ferritin (SF) have received a combined iron-FA-containing preparation Ferretab Comp. Women in this group with normal SF did not receive the drug. The frequency of latent iron deficiency in group at risk of IDA was 35.2%. Even with initially normal level of SF, at-risk women experienced iron deficiency in 48.6% of cases in III trimester of pregnancy, including IDA in 28.6%. Ferretab Comp was effective for prevention and treatment of IDA. It is emphasized that the restoration of iron pool is behind normalization of hemoglobin levels, and it must be considered when determining the dose and duration of treatment. The combination of iron and FA allows to prevent anemia and complications of pregnancy associated with lack of folate. The combined iron-FA drugs should be administered for all women at risk of IDA starting with II trimester of pregnancy.


Oleg Baev

O Bayev


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