


The article provides rationale for application of local treatment with combination products containing anesthetics and antiseptics in the therapy of pharyngitis and uncomplicated tonsillitis. These include the topical antibacterial drug Strepsils well-proven in ENT and dental practice. Strepsils has antiseptic - antibacterial and antimycotic - action, and is active against most common pathogens causing tonsillopharyngitis: group A β-hemolytic streptococcus, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus. The drug relieves irritation in the throat and oral cavity, resolves the pain, foreign body sensation, irritation and dry sore throat, and neutralizes bad breath. An additional important advantage of Strepsils for patients, who can not stop working during the ARVI, is the ability to resolve dysphonia.


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