Hormonal treatment of breast cancer: optimal sequence and issues of overcoming the resistance



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Endocrine therapy is important component in the treatment of receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer (RPBC), and allows achieving good results with low toxicity of treatment. When hormonal therapy should be administered, it is necessary to consider the level of Ki-67 and HER2-status in addition to clinical data. The most effective first-line drugs include aromatase inhibitors (non-steroidal and steroidal), fulvestrant, tamoxifen. If first-line treatment is effective, transition to the second and subsequent lines of hormone therapy is appropriate. A number of studies have shown high treatment effect with adding targeted agents: trastuzumab or lapatinib + aromatase inhibitor for HER2 overexpression in the first line; gefitinib +anastrozole in first-line hormonal therapy of advanced RPBC, everolimus + exemestane or tamoxifen in the second-line hormonal therapy.




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