Adenovirusnaya infektsiya u detey: vozmozhnost' ispol'zovaniya v terapii preparata Viferon® (gel' i suppozitorii)



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The proportion of adenovirus infection (ADVI, mono- and mixed-variants) in the etiological structure of acute respiratory diseases was estimated in 6,494 hospitalized children and was 25-30 % in all age groups of patients. A statistically significant increase in the frequency of ADVI was observed in children older than 3 years with bronchitis and pneumonia, in which it was combined with respiratory syncytial virus and mycoplasmal infections. The clinical features of the disease were analyzed in 1,756 children; it was noted that in all cases of ADVI, intoxication, catarrhal syndrome and, therefore, the acute phase of the disease were longer than in flu caused by monoinfection. It is shown that the use of Viferon® (gel and suppositories) in the treatment of children with ADVI promotes more rapid reduction of the catarrhal symptoms in the nose, throat and lungs, intoxication, as well as the elimination of antigens from the body (according to the dynamic determination in the materials from the nasopharynx of patients).




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