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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most commonly used class of pharmacological agents. They allow treating acute pain and controlling chronic pain; so, they are often appointed by a variety of specialists. Almost since the introduction of this class of drugs in clinical practice, doctors are aware of the fact that the positive effects of these drugs are associated with a number of side effects, and one of the most serious side effects is the damage of gastrointestinal tract and the development of bleeding. Pharmacologists had several attempts to create a NSAIDs that do not have side effects on the gastrointestinal tract. The article presents a new non-selective NSAID, amtolmetin guacil, and the the mechanism of its action. Gastroprotective properties of the drug associated with increased concentration of nitrogen oxide in the gastric mucosa are emphasized. The data of the efficacy and safety compared to other NSAIDs are discussed.




O. Yakob



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