Primenenie biologicheski aktivnogo kompleksa Androdoz ® u patsientov s patospermiey i immunologicheskim faktorom infertil'nosti. Rezul'taty mul'titsentrovogo klinicheskogo issledovaniya


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The study involved 73 patients from different regions of the Russian Federation in age from 20 to 65 years (mean age - 34.32 ± 7.9 years) with various types of pathospermia and duration of infertile marriage from 14 months to 4 years (mean duration 22.27 ± 17.1 months). These patients were divided into two groups with the presence of anti-sperm antibodies (ASAB), and without them; in patients with ASAB, subgroup with clinically significant ASAB levels more than 10 % was further identified. All patients received AndroDoz ® for 3 months. All patients underwent spermatologic control, monitoring of blood and urine tests, blood biochemistry and hormones, the evaluation of antisperm antibodies levels, and immunoglobulins A and G levels. After 3 months of therapy, it was found that patients receiving AndroDoz ® had significantly reduced viscosity of spermoplasma, especially patients with ASAB.vAt the same time, patients with ASAB had decreased sperm agglutination by 80.1 % (P = 0.0001), increased total number of actively motile sperm cells (A + B), and decreased number of pathological forms of sperm cells by 26.32 % (P = 0.0001, with normalization of this index in 100% of patients with an initial critical increase ( > 96 % abnormal forms) at the end of therapy). Moreover, patients receiving AndroDoz® had significantly increased Inhibin B levels. At the end of the course of therapy, 87.6 % of patients have reported good and pronounced effect of the treatment. AndroDoz® has shown to be effective in treating infertility and pathospermia of various origins with a high degree of reliability of the results.




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