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In the history of diabetology, there were many treatment methods that, when studied more extensively, turned out to be not sufficiently safe: synthalin, phenphormin, the list can be continued. The last story with rosiglitazone made the FDA implement new unprecedented requirements for the evidence base for hypoglycemic pharmacological agents being registered on the territory of the USA. The huge study SAVOR, which results were published in September 2013, became the first reliable confirmation of the safety of a DPP-4 inhibitor available on the Russian market. Saxagliptin was studied in a double-blind placebo-controlled study on 16 492 type-2 diabetes mellitus patients with high cardiovascular risk and wide HbA1c range (6.5-11.9 %). After two years of follow-up, the primary endpoint’s cardiovascular risk ratio was 1.00 (95 % CI 0.89-1.12). Thus, in Russia currently saxagliptin is the DPP-4 inhibitor with the most confirmed cardiovascular safety.




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