Kontratseptsiya sredi zhitel'nits Moskvy, stradayushchikh ginekologicheskimi zabolevaniyami



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The article presents the results of the study involving 360 Moscow women aged 19-49 years, seeking medical care to obstetrician-gynecologist. Aim of this study was to investigate the frequency and structure of gynecological morbidity, the degree of realization of reproductive function, and methods for the regulation of fertility. According to the results of study, menstrual disorders (31 %), pelvic inflammatory disease (27 %), and hormone-dependent diseases (16 %) are predominant disorders in the structure of morbidity among Moscow women of childbearing age. Unmet demand for contraception is 37 %, while the maximum - 63 % - is in the older age group of 40-49 years. Modern contraceptive methods are used mainly by middle-aged women (combined oral contraceptives - 28 %, intrauterine device - 14 %). The most popular method of birth control for all age groups is a condom (average 68 %). Among women with gynecological diseases, increase of adherence to contraception can be achieved by high-quality consulting taking into account the existing disease, the needs and expectations of the patient and using innovative drugs with prolonged action.




G. Dikke

Email: galadikke@yandex.ru


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