Mesto dezagregantov v sisteme vtorichnoy profilaktiki ishemicheskogo insul'ta u detey i molodykh bol'nykh



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The article describes the current data and debating points on the indications, dosage and duration of therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel in stroke young patients and children. Recommended dosage for children is 1-3 for aspirin and 0.2-2.0 mg/kg/day for clopidogrel. The authors provide their own data on the six-year follow-up of 82 children with acute ischemic cerebrovascular insufficiency, who received antithrombotic therapy. The high efficiency (twofold reduction of recurrence of thrombotic events) and safety of the proposed scheme for medical support of patients is demonstrated.




O. L'vova


V. Gusev



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