Terapevticheskie vozmozhnosti levonorgestrel-vydelyayushchey vnutrimatochnoy sistemy u zhenshchin v perimenopauze



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Endocrine physiological changes in menopausal women ultimately determine the presence of ovulatory or anovulatory menstrual cycles, which are characterized by abnormally high level of estradiol or abnormal rhythm of its secretion, as well as deficiency of progesterone. Against this background, heavy and/or prolonged menstruation and dysmenorrhea. The results of studies with various levels of evidence (A-C) show that levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) Mirena has therapeutic benefits when it is used in women during perimenopause. These benefits are attributable to the combination of high contraceptive reliability with a healing effect for menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea and because of the presence of registered indications for the use of drug as a gestagenic component for the hormone therapy of menopause.




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