Liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C: view of the problem in era of interferon-free treatment



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The article describes the current understanding of the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C, and the mechanisms of regression of fibrosis against the background of antiviral therapy. Many years of experience of use of interferon-containing schemes for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C suggests a possibility of reverse development of fibrosis after achieving a sustained virologic response, while the reversibility of fibrosis against the background of antiviral therapy using drugs with direct antiviral action requires further evaluation. Clinical observations confirming positive influence of drugs with direct antiviral action on the regression of liver fibrosis in patients with liver cirrhosis of HCV-etiology are presented.




I. Bakulin

FSBEI HE North-Western State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov of RMH

E. Vinnitskaya

SBHCI Moscow Clinical Research Center of Moscow Healthcare Department

A. Polukhina

SBHCI Moscow Clinical Research Center of Moscow Healthcare Department


Yu. Sandler

SBHCI Moscow Clinical Research Center of Moscow Healthcare Department


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