Prevention of post-stroke depression



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Post-stroke depressions (PSDs) are one of the main problems of rehabilitation of stroke patients. They have a high frequency and slow down the regression of lost motor and cognitive functions. This dictates need for not only early detection and treatment of PSDs, but also the prevention of these disorders. The article summarizes the publications on PSD prevention from the PubMed database (n=32). These data prove the effectiveness of psychosocial, rehabilitative, psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic interventions in reducing the frequency of PSDs. The justifiability of an integrated approach to preventive measures is emphasized.




M. Savina

FSBIS "Scientific Center of Mental Health"

E. Petrova

SRI of Cerebrovascular Pathology and Stroke FSBEI HE RNSMU n.a. N.I. Pirogov of RMH


T. Safarova

FSBIS "Scientific Center of Mental Health"


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