Ten-year’s work experience of the center for support of breast and rational feeding in the city of Tomsk



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The article presents the work experience of the Center for Support of Breast and Rational Feeding in the city of Tomsk. The structure of the Center, activities and staffing is described. The results of work over 10 years have been summarized: the dynamics of the prevalence of breastfeeding in Tomsk, the analysis of work of the telephone hotline, the volume of publishing activity, and the results of scientific research.




Svetlana Stankevich

Center for Medical Prevention, Tomsk

Email: stanlana@yandex.ru
PhD in Medical Sciences, Pediatrician of the Highest Qualification Category, Dietician, Head

N. Barabash

Siberian State Medical University

E. Linok

Center for Medical Prevention, Tomsk


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