Thromboembolic complications in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases



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The review presents current information on thromboembolic complications (TECs), which are one of the most characteristic manifestations of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). The etiopathogenetic relationship between IBDs and the development of TECs has not yet been sufficiently studied, but it can be assumed that there are also hereditary factors contributing to the development of TECs in addition to the acquired factors of hypercoagulation. Hypercoagulation, as many researchers believe, is involved in the pathogenesis of IBDs, and a future evaluation of this phenomenon will help identify potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of IBDs. TECs worsen the prognosis of the disease and increase mortality from IBDs. It is necessary to enhance doctors’ awareness of the risks of TECs, measures of primary and secondary prevention, about the methods of their treatment, which is of great practical importance in the treatment of IBDs. In the future, it is necessary to clarify the controversial problems of thromboprophylaxis of patients with active disease in outpatient settings, thromboprophylaxis of patients in the period after discharge from the hospital, and also solve the problem of the duration of thromboprophylaxis. Currently, there is a need to provide clinicians with reliable methods or markers for assessing the prothrombotic risk for patients with IBDs in order to promptly apply preventive measures.




Albina Lishchinskaya

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Research and Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

PhD, Senior Researcher at the Department of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

A. Kagramanova

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Research and Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

M. Zvyaglova

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Research and Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

O. Knyazev

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Research and Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

N. Fadeeva

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Research and Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

D. Kulakov

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Research and Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department

A. Parfenov

A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Research and Practical Center of the Moscow Healthcare Department


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