Poststroke recovery in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus



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Background. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) can actively influence course of ischemic cerebral circulation disorders (CCDs), being the most important risk factor for their development. Objective. Evaluation of the effect of DM2 on the severity of neurological disorders and the outcome of ischemic CCDs in DM2 patients with, taking into account the severity and duration of history of carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Material and methods. A prospective study included 156 patients with ischemic stroke (IS) followed-up in the Scientific Center of Neurology. The patients were divided into two groups: group 1 (n=87) consisted of DM2 patients, group 2 (n=59) - patients without diabetes. All patients were assessed according to the following scales: National Institutes of Health (NIHSS) stroke scale, the Scandinavian stroke scale on the 1st and 14th days of acute cerebral circulation disorder, the modified Rankin scale (mRS), the Barthel Index (BI) for activities in daily living on the 14th day; DM2 patients underwent an assessment of carbohydrate metabolism. Results. The best results of treatment were achieved in patients without diabetes: NIHSS score and the Scandinavian stroke scale score were 5.4±4.7 against 7.6±5.1 points and 48.5±17.8 against 46±13.6 points, respectively. According mRS and the Barthel inDex, the average scores in patients with and without DM2 were 2.6±1.6 against 2.1±1.9 and 70.6±27.1 against 84.2±19.7, respectively. CCDs in DM2 patients developed on the background of elevated glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels on average up to 8.4%, and the recovery of neurological deficit and the stroke outcome depended on the of HbA1c level and the duration of DM2 history. Conclusion. The presence of DM2, its duration and the unsatisfactory glycemic control contribute to the deterioration of the prognosis for recovery of neurological deficit and the stroke outcome.




M. Tanashyan

Scientific Center of Neurology

SPIN 代码: 7191-1163

M. Maksimova

Scientific Center of Neurology

Ksenia Antonova

Scientific Center of Neurology

SPIN 代码: 7737-4712

A. Raskurazhev

Scientific Center of Neurology

N. Shakhparonova

Scientific Center of Neurology

T. Romantsova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

SPIN 代码: 3855-5410


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