Effect of conservative treatment on the sexual component of pelvic floor dysfunction in women after childbirth



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Background. According to the literature, sexual dysfunction after vaginal childbirth in women leads to a decrease in libido and frequency of orgasm. This pathology is perceived by a woman as hard, significantly affects the marital climate, and as a result, social maladjustment occurs. Objective. Improvement of sexual satisfaction in women with pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) after childbirth. Methods. The study included 135 puerperas with various symptoms of PFD. In group I (n=45), a gynecological pessary was used after delivery; in group II (n=45) - the pelvic floor muscle training (Kegel exercises); in group III (n=45) patients did not receive treatment. All women completed the FSFI questionnaire at 3 and 12 months after delivery. Results. A statistically significant increase in the overall index of sexual function was observed in groups I and II at12 months after delivery (p<0.001), differing for the better in comparison with group III (pi-iii<0.001, pii-iii<0.001). Conclusion. A significant increase in the sexual function index after 12 months with the use of pessaries or pelvic floor muscle training indicates a high efficiency of PFD prevention immediately after childbirth in women with risk factors for the development of this disease.




A. Sukhanov

Tyumen State Medical University; Outpatient Clinic SBHCI TR “Perinatal Center”

Email: such-anton@yandex.ru
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Resuscitation with a Course of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of the Institute of Continuous Professional Development Tyumen, Russia

G. Dikke

Academy of Medical Education n.a. F.I. Inozemtsev

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a Course of Reproductive Medicine St. Petersburg, Russia

I. Kukarskaya

Tyumen State Medical University; Outpatient Clinic SBHCI TR “Perinatal Center”

Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Resuscitation with a Course of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of the Institute of Continuous Professional Development Tyumen, Russia


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