The current state of the issue of prevention and treatment of postoperative intestinal paralysis in obstetric practice



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The article presents data on the incidence of postoperative motor-evacuation disorders, as well as risk factors for such disorders after operative delivery by caesarean section. The main methods of pre- and postoperative prophylaxis, the nuances of management of such patients, as well as options for pharmacological and electrophysiological stimulation in the treatment of dysmotorics in the early postoperative period are discussed. The frequency of cesarean section on the territory of the Russian Federation is 30-31.2% per year and has an increase by 1% per year. Intensification of operative activity in the obstetrician-gynecological field is accompanied by an increase in the proportion of purulent-inflammatory complications, such as endometritis, failure of uterine sutures, postoperative paresis, peritonitis. At the same time, adynamic ileus is recognized as one of the leading causes of prolongation of the inpatient stage of treatment and, as a result, of the increase in costs for management of such patients.




V. Fomin

A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry; V.V. Veresaev City Clinical Hospital; European Medical and Diagnostic Center «ATE Clinic»

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases and Clinical Angiology 20, Build. 1, Delegatskaya Street, Moscow 127473, Russian Federation

V. Lutsenko

V.V. Veresaev City Clinical Hospital

Moscow, Russia

T. Oveshnikova

V.V. Veresaev City Clinical Hospital

Moscow, Russia

M. Fomina

A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry; European Medical and Diagnostic Center «ATE Clinic»

Moscow, Russia


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