Autonomic disorders against the background of chronic bilateral electrostimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease (literature review)



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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by motor, autonomic disorders, and other non-motor symptoms. Cardiovascular, urinary, gastrointestinal and thermoregulatory disorders predominate among autonomic disturbances. Due to the significant impact on the quality of life of PD patients, adequate diagnostics and treatment of autonomic disorders should be carried out timely at all stages of the disease. Subthalamic deep brain stimulation (STN DBS) is one of the high effective methods of treating motor symptoms in patients with an advanced PD. In addition to improving motor symptoms, many studies report a change in severity of various autonomic symptoms after STN DBS in PD patients.




M. Makhmudov

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Department of Neurology

N. Fedorova

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Department of Neurology

E. Bril

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Associate Professor, Department of Neurology

A. Gamaleya

N.N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery

A. Tomsky

N.N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery


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