Current management strategy for high-risk hypertensive patients -focus on lipid-lowering therapy



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The article is devoted to the urgent problem of identifying and managing patients with high risk arterial hypertension. The importance of this problem is determined by the fact that the main proportion of cardiovascular complications is accounted for this particular group of patients. In recent years, modern guidelines have emphasized the need to prescribe not only antihypertensive, but also lipid-lowering therapy to these patients. It is noted that lipid-lowering therapy provides an additional reduction in the risk of cardiovascular complications. Unfortunately, high-risk patients are significantly less motivated to treat than patients from the very high-risk group, which causes their lack of adherence to therapy. Nevertheless, at any stage of the cardiovascular continuum, the practitioner must adhere to the golden rule of patient management - to achieve the maximum reduction in the risk of cardiovascular complications.




D. Nebieridze

National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine

MD, Professor, Head of the Department for Prevention of Metabolic Disorders

N. Akhmedzhanov

National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine

A. Safaryan

National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine


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