The key role of an emollient with an active antipruritic component in the strategy for improving the quality of life of patients of the older age group with itching against the background of xerosis




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Background. In patients of the older age group, physiological xerosis of the skin is caused by structural and qualitative changes in the epidermis and dermis, and “fragility" - by decrease in the activity of the immune system in the epidermis. Skin xerosis can cause itching, which negatively affects quality of life (QoL). Objective. Evaluation of the effectiveness of Neotanin Comfort Plus cream in elderly patients with skin xerosis and itching. Methods. An open non-comparative study with 2-week follow-up period was carried out. 40 patients aged 60 to 74 years with skin xerosis and itching were included in the study. For two weeks, all patients used Neotanin Comfort Plus cream as a skin care product 1-2 times a day, and also during the day as needed. Results. As a result of the use of Neotanin Comfort Plus cream, the corneometry indicator increased by 16,6% (localization on the back) and by 12.3% (shin area), the indicator of transepidermal water loss decreased by 13.8% and 10.1%, respectively. The MAS indicator (itching) decreased by 85.1%, the total QoL index improved by 77.6%. All patients noted excellent or good organoleptic properties of the cream and the comfort of its use. Thus, 97.5% of patients rated the comfort/convenience during application as excellent or good, 95% of patients noted an excellent/good feeling after applying the cream, 95% - excellent absorption of the cream. Conclusion. Neotanin Comfort Plus cream can be recommended for patients with skin itching against the background of xerosis.




Larisa Kruglova

Central State Medical Academy of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology Moscow, Russia

E. Shatokhina

Central State Medical Academy of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Russia


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